tinga is very easy and tasty mexican dish. the place of origin of this meal is one of the mexican states - puebla. it can be made from chicken, beef or pork meat. during the week i have bought some white onions to prepare it this saturday :) all you need to make tinga is:
1 whole chicken breast
1 clove of garlic
2 big white onions
4 big tomatoes
3 chipotles
white vinegar
vegetable oil
chicken stock
cook the chicken breasts with half of one onion, garlic and a little salt. once the meat is soft, take it out and leave to cool down. save the chicken stock for later. tear the chicken into little pieces.
cut the onions into thin slices. preheat the pan with 2 or 3 spoons of vegetable oil. fry the onions on a low heat until soft and transparent.
peal off the tomatoes and cut them into small cubes. cut the chipotles as well. put everything to the pan with the onions, add a teaspoon of salt, teaspoon of vinegar and a cup of chicken stock. cook for about 10 minutes. add the chicken, mix well and cook for another 10 to 15 minutes.
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